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Interdisciplinary Connections:Provide a listing of the subject area(s), (minimum of one) in addition to the primary subject area that is incorporated in this lesson. A content standard reference code is required for each additional content area being addressed.Continuity/Relevance: (Connect to prior and future learning) Why are these outcomes important in the real world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning? How do they relate to prior and future learning?Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson? State in observable & measurable terms. Use TLW or I canActivities/Tasks (Lesson Procedure):Enter the lesson procedures under the Lesson Sequence column below as numbered items. The procedures should clearly describe the sequence of learning activities. Be very precise when explaining the teacher and student tasks during the learning activities. Identify aids/materials where utilized, the assessment technique, and group size for each activityLesson SequenceSupplemental Aids/MaterialsAssessmentGroup SizeMotivationWhat will you do or say to gain student attention or focus on the lesson? Be specificReviewHow will you briefly review prerequisite knowledge students must have before learning content for todays lesson?ProceduresThis is the step-by-step process you will follow while teaching. List as numbered itemsClosureWhat will you do or say to bring closure to the lesson?Homework:Briefly state homework instructions that will be given to studentsHOTS Questions:List higher order thinking questions that could be asked during this lesson (3-5)Modifications/Accommodations and Access for All:What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make for students with disabilities in your class? Be specific and address modifications to content, process, product, and/or the learning environment. How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in this lesson? (consider all aspects of student diversity not just IEP/IAPs) Early Finishers:Briefly list/describe activities/learning opportunities that might be used by individual students to reinforce this lesson for those students who complete independent work faster than other students. Reteaching/Remediation:Briefly list/describe what will be done to reteach this lesson to those that are not successful with independent activity.Enrichment:Briefly list/describe activities/learning opportunities that might be used by individual students to expand the understanding of concepts or development of skills introduced in the lesson for students that have mastered the objectives of the lesson.Assessment Criteria:Content knowledge, student knowledge, and appropriate resources aligned to instructional outcomes. How will you assess student learning throughout the lesson (formative)? How will you and your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lessons outcomes look like? Reflections:This is to be completed after the lesson is taught. Did students meet the intended objectives? What went well in the lesson that helped with student learning? What could have gone better? What will you do differently? For full credit, you must reflection on your performance and the performance of the students.  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