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ĆŪ½ŪÖ±²„ awards 933 degrees at Spring 2023 commencement ceremonies

Published May 18, 2023

Spring 2023 Grad

MONROE, LA ā€“ University of Louisiana Monroe President Dr. Ronald Berry awarded 933 degrees to 924 individual graduates at the Spring 2023 commencement ceremonies on May 13, 2023. Two ceremonies were held for the four colleges, Arts, Education, and Sciences, Business and Social Sciences, Health Sciences, and Pharmacy, plus the Graduate School.ĢżĢż

A total of 924 students earned degrees. Nine students earned multiple degrees, with 13 doctoral degrees and 74 Doctor of Pharmacy degrees awarded. Fourteen students were Honors Program graduates.Ģż

Degrees awarded by college include 135 in Arts, Education, and Sciences, 243 in Business and Social Sciences, 194 in Health Sciences, 87 in Pharmacy, and 274 in the Graduate School.Ģż

There were 237 Distinguished Graduates; 51 Summa Cum Laude, 69 Magna Cum Laude, and 117 Cum Laude. University-level Honor Graduates for associate degrees included one High Honors graduate.Ģż

The top fall graduates with a 4.0 cumulative GPA were Prabin Basnet, Addisyn Faye Dartez, Hailee Marie Delaney, Connor Michael DeLaune, Connor Joseph Dubois, Noor Sami Farhat, Colby Evan Glatter, Casey Michelle Howard, Coplen D. Johnson, Kezlie Michelle Martin, Cherie Nicole Mialaret, Keisha N. Patel, Anna Cathryn Paul, Ngoc Tram Thi Phan, Owen Wilder Reppond, Avery Marie Reynolds, and Sage Angelle Richoux. Ģż

The degrees for Spring 2023 graduates were officially conferred on May 17, 2023.Ģż

Spring 2023 GraduatesĢż

Students receiving Baccalaureate degrees were awarded Latin honors in accordance with the following guidelines:Ģż

(*) Cum Laude: a cumulative grade point average (GPA) is within the range of 3.500 through 3.749.Ģż

(ā€ ) Magna Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.750 through 3.899.Ģż

(ā€”) Summa Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.900 through 4.000.Ģż

(^) Honors ā€” associate degree candidates with a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.500 through 3.799Ģż

(~) High Honors ā€” associate degree candidates with a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.800 through 4.000Ģż

For any errors or omissions, please consult the Office of Marketing & Communication Academic List Page.Ģż


Victoria R. Abrams, Bachelor of Arts Adelyne E. Labat, Doctor of Pharmacyā€”
AveryAnna M. Adams, Bachelor of Arts* Morgan W. LaFleur, Doctor of Pharmacyā€”
Molly N. Adams, Master of Science Lauren M. LaForge, Doctor of Pharmacy
YoLecia Addison, Master of Science Jackson L. Lair, Bachelor of Musicā€ 
JacobĢż W. Agerschou, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Bailey Lambeth, Master of Arts
Shabnam B. Ajani, Master of Public Admin Jared A. Landry, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Erin E. Akin, Bachelor of Science* Gary J. Landry, Bachelor of Business Admin
Kamrunnahar Aktar, Master of Arts Rebecca L. Landry, Master of Science
Emily C. Allen, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Sadie M. LaPoint, Master of Education
Ainsley M. Allen, Bachelor of General Studies* Tori A. Laviolette, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Kennedy T. Allen, Master of Science Jasmine D. Lawrence, Bachelor of Business Admin
Yessenia Amaya, Bachelor of Artsā€  Bryonna D. LeBaron, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Jared B. Anders, Doctor of Pharmacyā€  Caden J. LeBlanc, Bachelor of Music*
Alexa Anders, Master of Arts Darrian LeBlanc, Master of Science in Nursing
Brooke L. Anderson-Passon, Master of Science in Nursing Ethan C. LeBrun, Bachelor of Science
Tori E. Andrews, Bachelor of Science* Taylor R. Lee, Master of Public Admin
Destinee M. Andrews, Bachelor of Arts De'Andra D. LeMalle, Master of Science
Madelyn R. Arender, Master of Arts Todd A. Lenard, Bachelor of Science
Adewumi M. Ariwajoye, Bachelor of Science Annie P. Leonard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Julie A. Arnn, Master of Science Kendra M. Lester, Master of Education
Andrea B. Arnold, Bachelor of Science* Allyson R. Letlow, Bachelor of Business Admin
Sidney S. Arnold, Master of Science LaToya N. Lightning, Bachelor of Business Admin
Michelle F. Artzberger, Bachelor of General Studies Kelsey L. Liljeberg, Bachelor of Science*
Emily J. Ates, Bachelor of Science Hannah K. Lindsey, Bachelor of Arts*
Gelazhia U. Atkins, Bachelor of Arts* Andie Lindsey, Bachelor of Business Admin
Darian Atkins, Master of Arts Mary G. Littlefield, Bachelor of Artsā€ 
Tyler J. Aucoin, Doctor of Pharmacy Allison R. Litwin, Bachelor of Science
Destiny S. Augustine, Bachelor of Science Lucia M. Lobato, Bachelor of Business Admin*
ShyAnn C. Aultman, Master of Arts Melissa A. Loera, Master of Education
Victoria Austin, Master of Education Tajdreial L. Loston, Bachelor of Arts
Carter M. Autin, Bachelor of Science Cynthia L. Loudon, Bachelor of Business Admin
Casey Averitt, Master of Education Megan K. Lucey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Afreeda Azad, Bachelor of General Studies Tyler W. Lunsford, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Joei A. Bailey, Bachelor of Science Jessica Lyons, Master of Education
Christy B. Bailey, Master of Science in Nursing Chelsea C. Mack, Bachelor of Arts
Elijah M. Bailey, Bachelor of Business Admin Megan E. Madison, Bachelor of Science
Keirra Bailey, Master of Arts Nicholas W. Magee, Bachelor of Science
Raven Bailey, Bachelor of Science Mallory Maggio, Master of Education
Ketara N. Baker, Bachelor of Arts* Pratik Maharjan, Bachelor of Science
Oleksandra Balaba, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Sharde Maheia, Master of Arts
Michael P. Ballinger, Bachelor of Science Amberley Maierhofer, Master of Education
Kent M. Bardwell, Bachelor of Science Sofiia Maksymenkova, Bachelor of Science
Madison Barfoot, Bachelor of Science Sijan Malla, Bachelor of Science*
Cameron R. Barlow, Master of Science Baylee E. Malone, Master of Science
Annie L. Barnett, Bachelor of Arts Sydni J. Maricle, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Maria R. Barranco, Doctor of Pharmacy* Hope M. Marler, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Haley E. Barrios, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Kristen M. Marshall, Bachelor of Science
Sophia J. Barton, Bachelor of Science Zackary C. Martin, Bachelor of Business Admin
Prabin Basnet, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Annmarie G. Martin, Bachelor of Business Admin
Trinity B. Bass, Bachelor of Fine Arts Kezlie M. Martin, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Anne M. Bass, Bachelor of Arts Seth W. Mason, Bachelor of Science
Nia Bass, Master of Science Autumn C. Massey, Bachelor of Science*
TyKever D. Bates, Bachelor of Business Admin McKenna K. Matkins, Bachelor of Science*
Kristen C. Batten, Master of Arts Taylor M. Matranga, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Taylor M. Beauchamp, Doctor of Pharmacyā€  Colby D. Matthews, Master of Business Admin.
Kristian A. Beavers, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Hal D. Mayfield, Bachelor of Arts
Ashley M. Bellard, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Bridgett B. McAlister, Master of Science
Jadan T. Belt, Bachelor of Science* Karsen McBroom, Bachelor of Science
Gurnoor S. Benipal, Doctor of Pharmacy Kelly McCallister, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Armanni B. Bennett, Doctor of Pharmacy James B. McCartney, Bachelor of Science
Shelby N. Bennett, Bachelor of Science Madeline K. McClain, Bachelor of Science
Isabella R. Bennett, Bachelor of Artsā€” Mary K. Mcclellan, Bachelor of Science in Nursingā€ 
Kaylee W. Bennett, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Alec D. McCoy, Bachelor of Business Admin
Lakeisha W. Bergeron, Master of Education Caleb L. McDaniel, Bachelor of Science
Jesse P. Bethard, Bachelor of Business Admin Grace A. McDiarmid, Master of Science
Deepmala Bhomi, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Jarrett M. McDonald, Bachelor of General Studies*
Jarden N. Bias, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Caitlin C. McFarland, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Londyn E. Bice, Bachelor of Science Daniel P. McInturff, Master of Education
Patrycja A. Bilinska, Master of Arts Abbigail R. McKaskle, Bachelor of Arts*
Hannah C. Billings, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Heather L. McKinney, Bachelor of Science
Jasmine N. Bingham, Bachelor of Arts Erica M. McLeod, Bachelor of Science
Tyrese Black, Bachelor of General Studies Skyla B. McMasters, Bachelor of Arts
Adam C. Blackburn, Master of Arts Andrew K. McMillan, Doctor of Pharmacy
Jamari M. Blackmon, Bachelor of General Studies Peyton C. McMillon Anderson, Doctor of Pharmacy
Emme C. Blackwell, Bachelor of Artsā€  Virginia D. McMullen, Master of Science in Nursing
Julia G. Blazek, Bachelor of Artsā€  Kaitlyn E. McVay, Bachelor of Arts
Lauren H. Bloomer, Bachelor of Science Tara M. McVay, Master of Science
Brenda K. Blunt, Bachelor of General Studies Tyrik C. McWilliams, Bachelor of Arts
Britney J. Bobo, Bachelor of Science Landon R. Meador, Master of Arts
Taylor B. Boggs, Master of Science in Nursing Devon N. Melville, Master of Education
Queen E. Bolden, Bachelor of Science Maggie L. Mercer, Bachelor of Arts
Gorshia K. Boley, Bachelor of Science Hannah E. Meziere, Bachelor of Business Admin
Chelsea B. Bond, Bachelor of Business Admin Cherie N. Mialaret, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Mallory A. Bonnett, Bachelor of Science Darby W. Miles, Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bailey L. Book, Doctor of Pharmacy Michael C. Miller, Bachelor of Science
Koby L. Book, Bachelor of Business Admin* Colette H. Miller, Master of Education
Sarah E. Booth, Master of Education Hannah J. Milton, Doctor of Pharmacyā€”
Michelle G. Booth, Master of Education Angelle R. Mire, Bachelor of Arts
Frank C. Bordelon, Bachelor of Arts* Tammy P. Mizell, Master of Education
Kaye-Loni Bowden, Bachelor of Science Carrie A. Moak, Doctor of Pharmacy
Logan C. Bowen, Bachelor of Science Leila D. Molahan, Doctor of Education
Benjamin K. Bowen, Bachelor of Business Admin Taylor N. Moneaux, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Kate L. Bower, Bachelor of Artsā€  Shy'Kierria B. Moore, Bachelor of Arts*
Paige Bradford, Bachelor of Business Admin Mollyann E. Moore, Bachelor of Science*
Allison M. Bradshaw, Master of Public Admin Ashley N. Moore, Bachelor of Arts
Carlei B. Brannon, Master of Science Chassidy N. Moore, Bachelor of Arts
Jimearia L. Briggs, Bachelor of Arts Kelly D. Morgan, Bachelor of Arts
Caroline E. Brouillette, Bachelor of Arts Kaitlyn P. Morris, Master of Science
Caitlin A. Broussard, Bachelor of Arts Keaton S. Morrison, Associate of General Studies
Pate B. Broussard, Doctor of Pharmacy* Desteanna N. Morrow, Master of Science
Kristen C. Broussard, Master of Education Kendall L. Morton, Bachelor of Science*
Marcus J. Broussard, Doctor of Pharmacy* Shelby N. Mosby, Master of Science
Charleshia C. Brown, Bachelor of Artsā€  Kelly E. Moseley, Bachelor of Science
Regina C. Brown, Master of Science Clayton P. Moses, Bachelor of Music*
Ariana J. Brown, Master of Science Kaitlyn M. Mosley, Master of Science
Ty'Leshia K. Brown, Bachelor of Business Admin Zachary J. Murphy, Bachelor of Science
Gelena N. Brown, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Harlie N. Murray, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Emmeline D. Brunet, Doctor of Pharmacy Bailey T. Murray, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Gavin Brunson, Doctor of Pharmacy Anna C. Nadler, Bachelor of Business Adminā€ 
Jennifer C. Buck, Master of Science Abigail N. Naylor, Bachelor of Science*
Jesse Buck, Master of Education Hannah C. Neeley, Bachelor of Science
Matthew D. Buell, Bachelor of Science Connyettia L. Nelson, Doctor of Education
Olivia S. Buquet, Doctor of Pharmacy* Allie T. Netherland, Master of Public Admin
Alan M. Burgess, Bachelor of General Studies Samuel E. Newchurch, Bachelor of Arts
Alexandria D. Burton, Bachelor of Science Kelly A. Newman, Master of Education
Avonta T. Burton, Bachelor of Science Nga P. Nguyen, Master of Business Admin.
Mitchell C. Bush, Bachelor of Business Admin Anh Q. Nguyen, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Abigail C. Butler, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Taylor Nguyen, Master of Arts
Cassie M. Butler, Bachelor of Science Erinn R. Niblett, Bachelor of General Studies
Josie M. Butler, Master of Education Tiffany T. Nichols, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Katelyn M. Butler, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Hannah A. Nielsen, Bachelor of Artsā€ 
April S. Butler, Bachelor of General Studies Brandon M. Nielsen, Bachelor of Science
Kelsie Byrom, Bachelor of Arts Benjamin T. Noel, Bachelor of Science
Abry C. Cahn, Master of Public Admin Kaylee A. Nolan, Bachelor of Science*
Hayley R. Caldwell, Bachelor of Arts Tricia C. Nolan, Master of Science
Nayia E. Calhoun, Bachelor of Science* Brooklyn E. Nolan, Bachelor of Science*
Haley B. Campbell, Master of Science Caleb J. Norman, Bachelor of Arts*
Nicholas A. Canales, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Anna M. Norman, Bachelor of Arts*
Arielle D. Cannon, Master of Education Taylor E. Norred, Bachelor of Science
Luke T. Cao, Doctor of Pharmacy Cameron B. Nuckels, Bachelor of Arts
Nicholas T. Cao, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Kearra T. Odums, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Carolyn Cardin, Master of Science in Nursing Teresa E. Ogden, Master of Arts in Teaching
Tory S. Carman, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Gabrielle Ok, Bachelor of Arts
Abigail C. Carroll, Bachelor of Science Tara L. Oliver, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jade M. Carroll, Bachelor of Artsā€  Clint J. Ortis, Doctor of Pharmacy
Noelle E. Carruth, Master of Science Carson E. Orton, Bachelor of Business Admin
Bryttni P. Carter, Bachelor of Arts Hailey A. Outlaw, Doctor of Pharmacy
Hannah E. Cascio, Master of Arts Cameron G. Owsley, Master of Arts
Cassidy Case, Bachelor of General Studies Kennedy A. Page, Bachelor of Artsā€ 
Katera Casnave, Bachelor of Arts Valerie R. Paige, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Stephanie Castillo, Bachelor of Science Christian A. Palacios, Bachelor of Science
Sandy M. Cenac, Master of Education Bibek Pandey, Bachelor of Science*
Garrett J. Chamberlain, Master of Science Shreeyasha Pandey, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Allie N. Chance, Bachelor of Science* Christy L. Parfait, Master of Education
Kevin Chapman, Master of Public Admin Jade A. Parker, Bachelor of Fine Arts*
Grady N. Charland, Master of Education Kayla M. Parker, Bachelor of Arts
Adrianna N. Chavarria, Master of Science Ethan S. Parker, Bachelor of Business Admin
Isabel Cheeks, Master of Science Simon S. Parker, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Donald D. Chesser, Bachelor of Arts Micheal W. Parker, Doctor of Pharmacy
Alayna N. Chiasson, Doctor of Pharmacy* Kameron Partridge, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Gracie M. Christ, Master of Education Keisha N. Patel, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Christian P. Church, Master of Education Rikesh V. Patel, Bachelor of Science
Anna M. Clark, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Hemanta Pathak, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Cartrall R. Clemons, Bachelor of Arts Alayna C. Paul, Master of Science
Karli J. Clifton, Bachelor of Science Anna C. Paul, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Karli J. Clifton, Bachelor of Science Brianna D. Paul, Bachelor of Science
Brooke L. Coates, Bachelor of Business Admin Shianne D. Paul, Master of Science
Sarah E. Coble, Bachelor of Arts Teanna G. Payton, Bachelor of Science
Sara R. Cockerham, Bachelor of Science* Anna C. Pearce, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Grace W. Cohenour, Bachelor of Science Samantha B. Pencil, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Katy B. Cole, Bachelor of Artsā€  Sarah A. Peppers, Master of Education
Stephen S. Colvin, Master of Science JhaVonte D. Perry, Bachelor of Science
Anna C. Cook, Master of Arts Niki N. Perry, Master of Education
Lazeria C. Cook, Bachelor of Science Denisha C. Peterson, Bachelor of Business Admin
Kerry K. Coon, Master of Science in Nursing Linh P. Pham, Bachelor of Arts*
Allison P. Copeland, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Phillip Y. Pham, Bachelor of Science
Cameron W. Cork, Bachelor of Business Admin Ngoc Tram T. Phan, Bachelor of Business Adminā€”
Colleen M. Cormier, Master of Education Mikey P. Philayvanh, Doctor of Pharmacy
Megan G. Corrent, Master of Education Kaitlin A. Phillips, Bachelor of Science*
Lakedra S. Coty, Doctor of Pharmacy Anyree V. Phillips, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Kaitlyn R. Couvillion, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pathompong Phuaklee, Master of Science
Harlee R. Cox, Doctor of Pharmacy Kaitlyn V. Picard, Doctor of Pharmacy
Jessica Cox, Bachelor of Arts Hunter A. Pichard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Joseph R. Crain, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Jennifer Piovesan, Master of Science in Nursing
Avery C. Crawford, Doctor of Pharmacy Anna K. Pitney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Michelle D. Crawford, Master of Education Samuel J. Plants, Bachelor of Business Admin
Fredrick L. Credeur, Bachelor of General Studies Christe H. Poe, Bachelor of Business Admin
ShaKerria L. Credit, Bachelor of Arts Caleb R. Pogue, Bachelor of Arts
Ryann B. Creel, Bachelor of Arts Lauren N. Polson, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Matthew S. Crisler, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Cindy K. Poma, Bachelor of Arts
Lucas H. Crockett, Bachelor of Science Michaela P. Ponarski, Master of Science in Nursing
Kierra S. Crockett, Master of Business Admin. Brittany R. Powell, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Waderrious D. Croft, Bachelor of Business Admin Abbe Prather, Bachelor of Science*
Laura G. Crowder, Bachelor of Arts Jonathan C. Price, Bachelor of Arts
Catlynn M. Crump, Doctor of Pharmacy Sarah E. Pryor, Doctor of Pharmacy
Heather T. Cubbit, Bachelor of Science in Nursing TaJahne Pugh, Bachelor of Arts
Cloud Ian D. Cunanan, Master of Business Admin. Wendy H. Puma, Master of Education
Cloud Ian D. Cunanan, Doctor of Pharmacyā€  Emily C. Puyear, Bachelor of Business Adminā€ 
Charley R. Cuti, Bachelor of Science Rebecca D. Quackenbush, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Alyson P. Cutts, Bachelor of Science Riya Rajkarnikar, Master of Science
Alexis S. Daigre, Bachelor of Science Riya Rajkarnikar, Master of Arts
Adam T. Dakar, Bachelor of Business Admin Cole A. Ramer, Bachelor of Science
Chad A. Dalton, Master of Education Noah C. Rampmaier, Bachelor of Musicā€ 
Grace Daniels, Master of Science Raveen J. Ramsey, Master of Science
Marshall E. Darrow, Bachelor of Arts Joshua T. Ramshur, Bachelor of Arts*
Addisyn F. Dartez, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Nanyamka Z. Randle, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Ambrosia C. Davis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Kathryn E. Raschilla, Bachelor of Science
Reyhan C. Davis, Bachelor of Arts Mary J. Rawls, Master of Education
Kallie E. Davis, Master of Science Brandon D. Ray, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Ashleigh F. Davis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Khrystyan D. Reddic, Bachelor of Science
Kaitlin I. Davis, Bachelor of Science* Bailey A. Reeve, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Sarah M. Davis, Master of Arts LaShea D. Reeves, Bachelor of Science
Gabriel S. Davis, Bachelor of Science Kaitlyn M. Reeves, Bachelor of Fine Artsā€ 
Kelsey S. Davis, Bachelor of Arts Morgan Reeves, Bachelor of Arts
Mystique S. Davis, Bachelor of Science Juliette Reitsma, Bachelor of Arts
Chapal W. Davis, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Angel Reitzell, Bachelor of Business Admin
Lauren W. Dees, Master of Science in Nursing Brennan D. Remington, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Hailee M. Delaney, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Jessica S. Renfrow, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Connor M. DeLaune, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Owen W. Reppond, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Mark C. DeLee, Bachelor of Arts Avery M. Reynolds, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Whitlie B. DeLukie, Master of Science Racheal L. Rhoades, Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Denenberg, Master of Arts Keeley M. Richard, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Amanda L. Dennis, Bachelor of Arts Whitney L. Richardson, Master of Education
Kylie R. Dennis, Master of Arts Sage A. Richoux, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Emilee Derouen, Bachelor of Science Aadarsh B. Rijal, Bachelor of Business Admin
Mary-Lynn C. Detillier, Master of Education Madison C. Risinger, Master of Science
Hadley P. Devall, Doctor of Pharmacy* Treasure Ritchey, Master of Business Admin.
Emily Diaz, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Danielle C. Roa, Bachelor of Science*
Sarah S. Diel, Bachelor of Fine Artsā€” Ethan Robarts, Master of Business Admin.
Regan L. Digilormo, Bachelor of Arts Ethan Robarts, Doctor of Pharmacy
Jacob H. Dillon, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Shannon T. Robert, Master of Education
Marie J. Diouf, Bachelor of Business Adminā€  Luke T. Roberts, Bachelor of Arts
Nya B. Dixon, Bachelor of Arts Claire A. Robertson, Master of Arts
Shantrice R. Dorsey, Bachelor of Science Karla D. Robertson, Master of Arts
Meisha J. Doss, Doctor of Pharmacy Jackie B. Robian, Bachelor of General Studies
Shanderic L. Downs, Bachelor of Arts Christopher C. Robinson, Master of Arts
Jesse R. Drake, Bachelor of Science* Kyra J. Robinson, Bachelor of Arts
Krista A. Drummond, Master of Education Leslie F. Rockhold, Bachelor of Arts
Connor J. Dubois, Doctor of Pharmacyā€” Hunter J. Roe, Bachelor of Arts
Chantal Dueringer, Bachelor of Science Kimberly A. Rogers, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Sarah E. Duncan, Doctor of Pharmacy Balin T. Rogers, Bachelor of Science
Kelli Duncan, Master of Education Sophia A. Rome, Bachelor of Arts
Samantha Duncan, Master of Arts Ma'Kayla K. Roque, Bachelor of Arts*
Mallary A. Dunn, Master of Arts Sara E. Ross, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Rakayla M. Durham, Bachelor of Arts Raven K. Ross, Doctor of Pharmacy
Alyssa Ealy, Master of Arts Grace T. Roy, Bachelor of Science*
Bryan K. Edwards, Bachelor of Science Ashley Rush, Master of Science
Mary B. Elkins, Master of Business Admin. Ashley E. Russell, Bachelor of Science
Mary B. Elkins, Doctor of Pharmacy Sydni C. Ryland, Bachelor of Science*
Douglass K. Elkins, Doctor of Pharmacy Shamir S. Sadberry, Master of Science
Eric Elkins, Bachelor of Science Christa A. Salsbury, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Patience N. Eppinette, Associate of General Studies Jonathan G. Sandahl, Master of Arts
Jenna Eppinette, Master of Science Johnna Sanders, Master of Business Admin.
Daija B. Essien, Bachelor of Fine Arts Dakota E. Sanson, Bachelor of Music
Ethan C. Estis, Bachelor of Arts Sara D. Sapp, Master of Arts
Jennifer Etienne, Master of Arts Sai Keerthi K. Sathineni, Bachelor of Science*
Maggie L. Eubanks, Bachelor of Artsā€” Pamela M. Saucier, Master of Education
Caroline B. Ezell, Bachelor of Science Lauren B. Saulsbury, Master of Education
Dusti L. Falgoust, Bachelor of Arts* Elizabeth Savoy, Bachelor of General Studies
Noor S. Farhat, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Faith Saxon, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Patricia E. Feazel, Master of Science Jenna M. Schaubert, Master of Education
Gabrielle A. Felix, Bachelor of Artsā€  Maya J. Schiele, Bachelor of Science
Alexandra B. Felter, Bachelor of Artsā€  Skyelar M. Scott, Master of Arts
Danielle C. Fife, Bachelor of Science Haydan T. Searcy, Bachelor of Arts*
Shelby A. Fincher, Doctor of Pharmacy Sara E. Seiler, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Riley T. Finnegan, Master of Arts Gabriel B. Sellers, Bachelor of Science
Darby E. Fisher, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Sadie E. Sells, Master of Business Admin.
Caleb J. Fisher, Bachelor of Arts* Mackenzie C. Selman, Bachelor of General Studies
Mollie B. Fitzgerald, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Mandy E. Seybold, Doctor of Education
Allie B. Fluitt, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Dharmendra K. Sharma, Bachelor of Science*
Dustin C. Ford, Bachelor of Arts Victoria G. Shepherd, Bachelor of Arts
Jackson L. Ford, Bachelor of Artsā€” Summer L. Shipley, Doctor of Pharmacy
Taylor S. Foret, Doctor of Pharmacyā€  Jessica Shipman, Master of Science
Savannah Fortenberry, Master of Science in Nursing Elizabeth L. Shivers, Bachelor of General Studies
Paul B. Foster, Bachelor of Science Carlie D. Shockley, Bachelor of Business Adminā€”
Dylan W. Foster, Bachelor of Business Admin Deepika Shrestha, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Charlotte L. Fourdraine, Bachelor of Business Adminā€” Prinsha Shrestha, Bachelor of Science
Tara Fournet-Johnson, Master of Education Chyna A. Sical, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Cindy G. Foust, Master of Public Admin MaKayla S. Siggers, Bachelor of Arts
Jaslyn E. Francis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Myles N. Simien, Master of Arts
Raquelle R. Franklin, Bachelor of Science David B. Simmons, Bachelor of Arts
Connar Franklin, Doctor of Education Alivia N. Simmons, Bachelor of Science*
Yatyana Franklin, Bachelor of Arts Hunter B. Simons, Bachelor of Science*
Nathan E. Franks, Bachelor of Science Shelby M. Simpson, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Savannah E. Frantz, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Emily B. Sims, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Alexis O. Frasier, Master of Science in Nursing Hallie Sims, Bachelor of Science
Andrew J. Frazier, Bachelor of Science* Calli Sinclair, Bachelor of Arts
Avis L. Frazier, Bachelor of Science* Leah K. Singh, Doctor of Philosophy
Jacob A. Frederick, Bachelor of Science Megan A. Sistrunk, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Megan Freeland, Master of Education Landry M. Sistrunk, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Keonia A. Freeman, Bachelor of Science Brian W. Sivils, Master of Arts
Kierra L. Freeman, Bachelor of Arts Cody A. Skains, Master of Science in Nursing
Jennifer W. Friday, Master of Education Jennifer A. Smith, Bachelor of Music*
Shannon Frioux, Bachelor of Artsā€” Reagan A. Smith, Master of Arts
Alexandria R. Fry, Master of Public Admin Leporsha C. Smith, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Tori L. Fugatt, Master of Science Spenser D. Smith, Bachelor of Arts
Kateland D. Fulmer, Bachelor of Science Madison L. Smith, Bachelor of Business Admin
Mindy D. Garcie, Master of Education Kelsey M. Smith, Master of Science
Azylah K. Gardner, Bachelor of Artsā€  Amanda N. Smith, Doctor of Pharmacy
Lauren G. Garner, Bachelor of Arts Tia N. Smith, Master of Arts
Alyssa M. Garner, Master of Science Alexandria P. Smith, Master of Business Admin.
Elizabeth M. Gates, Master of Education Jaia P. Smith, Master of Science
Rylie M. Gaubert, Bachelor of Science Clyde S. Smith, Master of Science in Nursing
Katelyn M. Gaudin, Master of Arts Keithen S. Smith, Master of Education
Erin C. Gayden, Bachelor of Arts Beyounce T. Smith, Bachelor of Arts
Alisha Ghatane, Bachelor of Science Burl Z. Smith, Bachelor of Business Admin
Sagar Ghimire, Master of Business Admin. Allison Smith, Master of Education
Hannah C. Giddens, Master of Science Erin Smoak, Master of Education
Kadie E. Gilly, Bachelor of Business Admin Ciara Snelling, Master of Science
Sarah C. Gilmore, Master of Science Lara W. Soares, Master of Science
Mariana V. Giordan, Bachelor of Business Admin* Caitlyn R. Sonnier, Bachelor of Science
Natalie N. Giroir, Master of Arts Haley D. Speaks, Bachelor of Arts
Colby E. Glatter, Doctor of Pharmacyā€” Ragen Spears, Bachelor of Arts*
Colby E. Glatter, Master of Business Admin. Leah C. Spence, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Kelly L. Glaze, Bachelor of Science* Kaitlyn E. Spillers, Bachelor of Arts
Amber L. Glenn, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Amanda L. Spillers, Bachelor of General Studies*
Steven R. Golemon, Bachelor of Business Admin Lamique C. Spruill, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jessica M. Gonsoulin, Master of Education Shelby E. St Clair, Bachelor of Science
Leonor C. Gonzalez, Doctor of Education Cassidy S. St Pierre, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Regginald T. Good, Doctor of Pharmacy* Jasper St. Andre, Master of Education
Anna G. Goode, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ta'Larra K. Stampley, Bachelor of Arts
Kaleigh E. Goodwin, Master of Science Hannah E. Stanford, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Matthew E. Goodwin, Bachelor of Arts* Faith N. Stansbury, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Rakeshala P. Grace, Master of Education Dylan J. Steinbach, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Brent D. Graham, Master of Science in Nursing Natalie Stelling, Bachelor of Arts*
Vivien J. Grant, Bachelor of Business Admin Alise N. Stephens, Bachelor of Science*
Tavion M. Grant, Bachelor of Science Jessie E. Stephenson, Bachelor of Arts*
Jerrod H. Gray, Associate of General Studies Deonte L. Stevens, Bachelor of Science
Ayana C. Green, Bachelor of Science Rachel E. Steward, Master of Science
Tahje T. Green, Bachelor of Science Colton G. Steward, Bachelor of Arts
Joshua M. Gregg, Bachelor of Artsā€  Matthew L. Stewart, Bachelor of Arts*
Hannah F. Gregory, Bachelor of Arts Aaron Stewart, Bachelor of Arts
Cameron G. Gregory, Doctor of Pharmacyā€  Julianna Stewart, Master of Science
Lauren H. Gregory, Bachelor of Science Shayla D. Stinnett, Master of Education
Seth C. Gresham, Bachelor of Business Admin Delayhia Stipe, Bachelor of Science
Macy J. Grigor, Bachelor of Science Amber N. Stoffer, Bachelor of Science
Kole J. Grouvillia, Bachelor of Science Ema C. Stone, Bachelor of Arts
Graham L. Grunsky, Bachelor of Science* Payton R. Stovall, Bachelor of Arts*
Brandon P. Gueniot, Bachelor of Science* Katelyn A. Strange, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Celeste M. Guichard, Bachelor of Arts Diamond M. Strawder, Bachelor of Science
Tyler M. Guidry, Master of Science Mabry E. Stricklin, Doctor of Pharmacy
Carla D. Guileyardo, Master of Science in Nursing Jenna R. Stuard, Master of Science
Sumer Guillory, Master of Arts in Teaching Camren A. Studer, Master of Arts
Caroline J. Habetz, Master of Arts in Teaching Mary E. Sullivan, Bachelor of Arts
Madeleine C. Haddad, Bachelor of Business Admin* Otisha C. Summers, Bachelor of Arts
DeMontae Haigler, Master of Science Cade A. Talbot, Doctor of Pharmacy
Anna M. Hailey, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Michael D. Talley, Bachelor of Science
Kyler D. Hall, Bachelor of Science Cherie D. Tanner, Doctor of Pharmacy
Daniel Halley, Master of Business Admin. Cherie D. Tanner, Master of Business Admin.
Samrat Hamal Dhakal, Master of Business Admin. Sarah B. Tarver, Doctor of Pharmacy
Allie R. Hamby, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Elle K. Tarver, Doctor of Pharmacy
Laura A. Hamiter, Bachelor of Science Kandace C. Taylor, Bachelor of Science
Jarrion C. Hampton, Bachelor of Science Ashley K. Taylor, Master of Science
Winnita C. Hampton, Master of Science in Nursing Shelby N. Taylor, Master of Science
Jaliah N. Hampton, Bachelor of Science Ethan L. Telano, Bachelor of Science
Kalie Hand, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Megan M. Templet, Master of Education
Thomas R. Handy, Bachelor of Business Admin* Victoria D. Thames, Bachelor of Business Admin
Tiauna B. Haney, Bachelor of Arts* Jasmine P. Thenekhamsyharath, Bachelor of Science*
Tiffany L. Hardin, Bachelor of Science Shelby A. Thibeault, Bachelor of Science*
Madison A. Haring, Bachelor of Arts* Dylan M. Thomas, Bachelor of Science
Gabriella C. Harper, Associate of General Studies~ Tralon R. Thomas, Master of Business Admin.
Alden E. Harper, Master of Science Jesse W. Thomas, Bachelor of Science
Crystal N. Harper, Master of Science Charlisa Thomas, Bachelor of Fine Artsā€ 
Robin Harper, Master of Science Melissa A. Thomassie Payne, Master of Arts
Jonathan W. Harrel, Master of Science Katie B. Thompson, Master of Arts
Robin C. Harris, Master of Education Remy C. Thompson, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Brendan J. Harris, Master of Arts Brittany N. Thurman, Bachelor of Science
Tatyana S. Harris, Master of Science Cody K. Tindall, Bachelor of Science
Leslie P. Harvey, Bachelor of General Studies Rabi Tiwari, Master of Business Admin.
Ashley M. Hawkins, Master of Public Admin Allie Toler, Master of Science
Antonio L. Hearn, Bachelor of Arts Sydney N. Toms, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Shelby L. Hebert, Bachelor of Science* Karen C. Toralba, Doctor of Education
Julia Hebert, Master of Education Malcolm J. Tosten, Bachelor of Business Admin
Alex W. Heikkila, Doctor of Education Haley M. Townsend, Bachelor of Business Admin
Leigh A. Helams, Master of Education Allyson M. Trahan, Bachelor of Science
Madison S. Henderson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Vincent-Vu V. Tran, Bachelor of Science*
Kristin D. Hendry, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Chad Travis, Bachelor of General Studies
Tatyana Henry, Master of Science Danielle D. Traweek, Master of Science in Nursing
Abby E. Herdliska, Bachelor of Science Nia K. Traylor, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kayela N. Herrington, Bachelor of Business Adminā€” Anthony L. Trejo, Bachelor of Arts
Paige N. Hertzler, Master of Arts Alyssa A. Troxell-Caad, Bachelor of Science
Ashley Hibbard, Bachelor of Business Admin Theophile Tsafack, Doctor of Pharmacy
Jeanelle L. Higginbotham, Master of Arts in Teaching Hillary M. Tucker, Associate of General Studies
Teviyell S. Higgins, Bachelor of Arts Abigail R. Tucker, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Sarah E. Hilburn, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Alyssa C. Turner, Doctor of Education
Christopher L. Hill, Bachelor of Science Molly G. Turner, Bachelor of Science*
Jhane' L. Hill, Doctor of Pharmacy Adarian S. Turner, Master of Arts
Dylan M. Hill, Bachelor of Science Daniel T. Twiford, Doctor of Philosophy
Franz Hill, Bachelor of Science Jordan Tyler, Master of Education
Nicholas A. Hilliard, Bachelor of Science Kaleb G. Underwood, Bachelor of Science*
Taylor E. Hixon, Bachelor of Science* Madisyn J. Underwood, Master of Business Admin.
Regan M. Hobbs, Bachelor of Science Grady S. Upshaw, Doctor of Pharmacy
Sabresavanna B. Hodge, Associate of General Studies Charlene Valcin, Master of Education
Marquis Hodge, Bachelor of Arts Maegan E. Vallee, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
William P. Hodnett, Bachelor of Science Shauna M. Vallery, Master of Education
Ronisha Q. Holden, Bachelor of Science Clay E. Vaughn, Bachelor of Science
Amy D. Holmes, Bachelor of Science in Nursingā€  April L. Vaughn, Bachelor of Science
Henry Holmes, Master of Education Madison S. Vazquez, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Kira M. Horn, Bachelor of Artsā€  Caroline R. Viator, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Nicholos Horne, Bachelor of Science Kaylynn Vice, Bachelor of Science*
Rachal R. Hoston, Bachelor of Arts Annie S. Vidrine, Master of Education
Slye L. Hough, Bachelor of General Studies Ashlee E. Vines, Master of Science
Brooke E. Hoven, Bachelor of Business Adminā€  Carly R. Vis, Master of Science
A'Mayah A. Howard, Master of Science Cynthia S. Vrbka, Bachelor of Artsā€ 
Chloe D. Howard, Master of Arts Coral H. Wade, Bachelor of Science
Casey M. Howard, Bachelor of Artsā€” Brittany M. Wade, Doctor of Education
Thomas J. Howell, Bachelor of Business Admin* Abhinav Walia, Master of Business Admin.
Dylan L. Huffmeyer, Bachelor of Arts Rayleigh B. Walker, Bachelor of Science
Trenton A. Hughes, Bachelor of Business Admin Lauren E. Walker, Bachelor of Science
Davis C. Hughes, Bachelor of Business Adminā€  Austin Walker, Master of Science
Samantha C. Hughes, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Brittany W. Walper, Master of Science in Nursing
Alec B. Hummel, Bachelor of Arts Claire E. Walpole, Bachelor of Business Admin
Makayla K. Hutchins, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Phillip Waltz, Bachelor of Science
Hannah R. Irby, Bachelor of Science Richard B. Washington, Bachelor of Arts
Nicole S. Irvin, Master of Science Erin L. Washington, Master of Education
Sarah Irwin, Master of Arts Jamara Washington, Master of Science
Katelyn A. Ivanyisky, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Raven Washington, Master of Arts
Hannah E. Ivey, Bachelor of Science Terrcede Washington, Graduate Certificate
Kailyn M. Ivy, Bachelor of Science in Nursing TimTerrica R. Weatherton, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Rima I. Jaber, Master of Science Erin F. Weaver, Bachelor of Business Admin
Sydney C. Jackson, Master of Science Calvin Weaver, Bachelor of Science*
Melissa L. Jackson, Master of Arts Cody Webb, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Carolyn M. Jackson, Master of Science Briana D. Webber, Bachelor of Arts
Takaria S. Jackson, Bachelor of Science Alecia S. Weir-Tyndale, Master of Education
Andrea Jackson, Bachelor of General Studies Mary J. Welch, Master of Education
Taylor N. Jacobson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Alicia M. West, Master of Arts in Teaching
Joseph A. Jalaldin, Bachelor of Science Alicia M. West, Master of Science
Amber F. James, Bachelor of Arts Amalya West, Bachelor of Business Admin
Bradley L. Jayne, Master of Education Grant J. Westerhaus, Bachelor of Science
Katherine S. Johns, Bachelor of Science* Brian Weston, Master of Science in Nursing
Melanie A. Johnson, Bachelor of Business Admin John M. Whatley, Bachelor of Science
Coplen D. Johnson, Bachelor of Scienceā€” Jalijah S. Wheeler, Master of Public Admin
Jabari D. Johnson, Master of Science Jalijah S. Wheeler, Master of Arts
Lavonna D. Johnson, Master of Business Admin. Kathryn E. Whitaker, Doctor of Pharmacyā€”
Markecya D. Johnson, Bachelor of Science Meilan E. Whitaker, Bachelor of Arts
Paul D. Johnson, Bachelor of Science Cole R. Whitaker, Master of Science
Kennedy G. Johnson, Master of Business Admin. Tierney A. White, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Anna H. Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Stacy B. White, Bachelor of Artsā€ 
Albert M. Johnson, Bachelor of Arts Sydney C. White, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Carli P. Johnson, Master of Science Erin F. White, Bachelor of Business Admin
Whitney Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ashley M. White, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Taylor D. Johnston, Doctor of Pharmacy Kristen White, Bachelor of Science
Caden A. Jones, Bachelor of Science Monica M. Whitman, Doctor of Pharmacy*
Christian A. Jones, Doctor of Pharmacy* Shelby L. Whitney, Bachelor of Science
Terry A. Jones, Master of Science in Nursing Hailey A. Whittington, Bachelor of Science*
Willexus A. Jones, Bachelor of Science* Dyllan M. Whittington, Bachelor of Business Admin
Ashley B. Jones, Doctor of Pharmacy* Zachary F. Wiggins, Master of Science
Alysia M. Jones, Bachelor of Science Chandler M. Wiley, Bachelor of Science
Sidney M. Jones, Bachelor of Artsā€” Skylor B. Wilhite, Bachelor of Business Admin
Carson T. Jones, Bachelor of Science* Sheena Wilhite, Master of Science in Nursing
Samantha M. Jones-Smith, Bachelor of Arts Maddisyn Wilkinson, Doctor of Pharmacy
Katie J. Jordan, Bachelor of Science Danielle A. Willett, Bachelor of Scienceā€”
Natasha N. Jordan, Bachelor of Science Faith A. Williams, Master of Science
Josiah K. Jowers, Bachelor of Science* Ambernae D. Williams, Bachelor of General Studies
Andrew A. Judd, Bachelor of Business Admin* Janiyah J. Williams, Bachelor of Arts*
Nicholas M. Judice, Bachelor of Business Admin* Monica N. Williams, Doctor of Pharmacy
Tirian K. Judy, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Destiny S. Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Garrett Kahmann, Bachelor of Business Admin Madeline S. Williams, Master of Business Admin.
Mallory C. Kaul, Bachelor of Arts* Kem'Michelle Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Meagan E. Keen, Bachelor of Scienceā€  Nadia Williams, Master of Science
Cole J. Keller, Bachelor of Science Jennifer B. Willis, Master of Education
Helena C. Kemp, Master of Arts Blaine A. Wilson, Associate of General Studies
Jacob T. Kessler, Doctor of Pharmacy Katherine A. Wilson, Doctor of Pharmacy
Chloe C. Key, Bachelor of Fine Arts Jamariyea L. Wilson, Bachelor of Science
Jason Keys, Doctor of Education William T. Windham, Bachelor of Science
Naomi R. Kilpatrick, Bachelor of Musicā€  Rea'ianna M. Winston, Bachelor of Artsā€”
Jakayla A. King, Bachelor of Science Hope E. Wooten, Bachelor of Scienceā€ 
Landon K. King, Bachelor of Business Admin Andreana Wright, Bachelor of Arts
Kayla O. King, Master of Science David Wright, Bachelor of Business Admin
Morgan T. King, Bachelor of Science Sarah K. Yarbrough, Bachelor of Science
Mason Kizzia, Bachelor of Arts Ainsley O. Yarbrough, Master of Arts
Mackenzie C. Knighten, Bachelor of Arts* Logan D. Yelverton, Bachelor of Business Admin
Dakota H. Kochan, Master of Science Danielle O. Yenuganti, Master of Science in Nursing
Makayla M. Kraemer, Doctor of Pharmacy Susan D. Young, Bachelor of General Studies
Korie M. Kreps, Bachelor of Artsā€” Leona M. Young, Bachelor of Arts
Khadeja-tul Kubra, Doctor of Philosophy Krysta Younker, Bachelor of Science
Francis O. Kwarteng, Master of Science Cameron Zaricor, Bachelor of Science