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Student Technology Access Plan

The advancement of a modern university and the success of its graduates require that the institution maintain pace with technological developments in instruction and learning and involve all students with technology.


The Student Technology Access Plan (STAP) is dedicated to the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and appropriate use of state-of-the-art technology solely for the purpose of supporting and enhancing student life and learning so that, upon graduation, ÃÛ½ÛÖ±²¥ students are prepared to assume meaningful and useful positions in the workplace of the 21st Century.

For the purposes of the Student Technology Access Plan, the term "technology" or "technologies" shall be taken to mean computer hardware and software (and the networking and supporting computer and telecommunications infrastructure, including the costs of renovations, upgrades, or preparation of existing facilities), laboratory instruments, and discipline-specific equipment.


Funds for the Student Technology Access Plan will supplement and not replace existing funds allocated for technology, in accordance with the provisions of Act 1450. The Student Government Association of the University of Louisiana at Monroe adopted the STAP at its regular meeting on September 17, 1997. Under the provisions of the enabling legislation (House Bill 2339; R.S. 17:3351.1), assessment of the Student Technology Fee may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the members of the governing board of the Student Government Association and a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors.

Fee Assessment (Revised Oct. 2019)
Each semester or term, the Student Technology Fee shall be five dollars ($5.00) per credit hour but shall not exceed $100 in any semester.  This maximum ceiling limit was adjusted during Summer 2019 and effective for Fall 2019 and beyond after approval from both SGA and STAP committee was conducted in Spring 2019.

Oversight of the Student Technology Access Plan shall be granted to the Student Technology Access Plan Committee which will include representatives of the students, the faculty, and the administration and have a majority of the membership being students. The Information Technology Director or his/her designee shall chair the Committee with the Student Government Association (SGA) President serving as co-chair. Additional members shall be the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, a representative from the Controller's Office, one faculty member (appointed by the SGA President in consultation with the Faculty Senate President), one graduate student (appointed by the SGA President in consultation with the Director of the Graduate School), and four undergraduate students (appointed by the SGA President). Business will not be considered at any Committee meeting unless at least five members (four students and one non-student) are present.

The Committee shall keep a formal record of all actions taken in conjunction with the Student Technology Fee by providing a detailed history of fee usage and application. The Chair of the Committee or his/her designee shall maintain minutes and records for purposes of audits of the fee, as well as for providing accountability to ÃÛ½ÛÖ±²¥ students. These documents shall be made available to the Student Government Association at their request and they shall be filed as a matter of public record.

The STAP Committee shall be responsible for:

a. reviewing expenditures for essential items such as infrastructure, software maintenance, and electronic communications as described by the Information Technology Director;
b. reviewing, rating, and recommending for funding other projects that propose the expenditure of STAP funds;
c. responding to student concerns regarding the usage of the Student Technology Fee;
d. making recommendations to the SGA regarding the amount of the Student Technology Fee, in accordance with House Bill 2339;
e. providing to the SGA a biannual budget summary of the Student Technology Fee (by the fifteenth of November and the fifteenth of April), including all collections and disbursements; and
f. Updating and modifying the Student Technology Access Plan.

The Information Technology Director may move up to 10% of a STAP account's funds to another STAP account with the approval of the Vice President for Information Services and Student Success and with notification to the STAP Committee.

Support Areas STAP funds can be assigned to one or more of three broad categories, the priority of which will be determined by the STAP Committee


a. General

Student access to the Internet, email, records, library holdings and other information require hardware and software that spans units within the University and must be maintained and upgraded regularly in order to be effective. Hardware such as cabling, routers, and switches and software such as operating systems, security systems, and class management systems will be provided and maintained for this purpose. Support will be provided for University Information Technology to perform the tasks related to student matriculation and instruction,

including programming for a broad variety of student records, student evaluations of teaching, and general support of instructional needs. Support will also be provided for the Technology Users Support Center to provide students and faculty with technical assistance in learning how to utilize new technology (e.g. how to develop their own Web page, use e-mail, search library holdings, etc.). Assistance will also be provided in installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting equipment.

b. Student laboratories Open access student laboratories strategically located across campus, including dormitories, will be provided and equipped with PCs, accessories, appropriate software, and basic furniture. In some instances, minor building renovations may be necessary (e.g. moving walls, installing/removing doors/windows, raising/lowering ceilings, adding electrical outlets, constructing access ramps for mobile chairs, etc.). Additionally, supplies and support in the form of graduate or undergraduate student workers will be provided.

c. Classroom instructional multimedia upgrades Selected classrooms will be upgraded and equipped with the latest multimedia instructional facilities. Here, too, minor building renovations may be required.

Technology evolves at a rapid pace, as do the needs of the students. Support will be provided for new initiatives in the above areas when they directly benefit the students. These projects span unit boundaries and generally will require funds exceeding $10,000. Examples of such items include conversion of area access from standard keys to electronic fobs, the development of information kiosks, and the establishment of new laboratories or other specialized facilities.

Projects that do not meet the above criteria because they benefit smaller groups of students and are less costly will be supported as funds allow. Such projects may be proposed by student groups, individual students, faculty or staff members, or administrators.

During the fall semester of fiscal years in which the Committee has allocated funds for such proposals, the Vice President for Information Services and Student Success will solicit requests from the other Vice Presidents, the Director of Information Technology, and the Deans. Each request must be identified as originating with a budget unit and must include a project description no longer than two pages, a detailed budget, and a one-page budget justification that clearly identifies how the project benefits students. Projects that seek to upgrade student laboratories supported by STAP funds must also provide a summary of those items previously purchased. Each academic dean will submit to the Vice President for Information Services and Student Success a prioritized list of department/school/college projects. The Vice President for Information Services and Student Success will then prioritize these requests. The other Vice Presidents will be responsible for providing the Vice President for Information Services and Student Success with similar information from their reporting areas. The Vice President for Information Services and Student Success will distribute these lists and the proposals to the Committee.

As funds allow, the Committee will meet in the fall to determine priorities for the year and will issue a request for proposals conveying this information to the Vice Presidents, the Deans, and the SGA President, who will see that this information is broadly distributed. Each academic dean will submit to the Vice President for Information Services and Student Success a prioritized list of projects. Each project must be identified with the individual or group initiating the request and must include a description no longer than two pages, a detailed budget, and a one-page budget justification that clearly identifies how the project supports the purpose of STAP and the priorities specified for the year. The Vice President for Information Services and Student Success will then prioritize these requests. The other Vice Presidents will be responsible for providing the Vice President for Information Services and Student Success with similar information from their reporting areas. The SGA President will have this responsibility for requests originating from individual students or student groups. The Vice President for Information Services and Student Success will distribute these lists and the proposals to the Committee.

During the fall semester, the Committee will meet to review expenditures proposed for Support Areas 1 and 2, make recommendations for funding those proposals, and authorize the expenditure of STAP funds. All proposals will be rated using the following criteria.

The Committee will also meet in the fall semester to review expenditures proposed for Support Area 3, make recommendations for funding those proposals, and authorize the expenditure of STAP funds. All proposals will be rated using the above criteria.

During the spring semester of each fiscal year, the Committee will meet to consider and approve a budget allocating the anticipated revenue from the Student Technology Fee for the next fiscal year.

No expenditures of funds generated by the Student Technology Fee will be authorized except by a majority vote of the STAP Committee. With a vote of at least two-thirds of the Committee members and the approval of the President of the University of Louisiana at Monroe and the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors, up to 40% of the annual Student Technology Fee may be used to secure credit arrangements. All recommendations for expenditure of funds are subject to approval by the President of the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

Auditing and Evaluation
All Student Technology Fee revenues shall be placed in a restricted account. Expenditures shall be limited to those projects in full compliance with the Student Technology Access Plan. ÃÛ½ÛÖ±²¥'s Internal Auditor shall provide annual fiscal and compliance audits of the Student Technology Access Program. The STAP Committee shall evaluate the Program's effectiveness at least annually and report the results of these audits and evaluations to the SGA, the Faculty Senate, the President of the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and to the University Of Louisiana Board Of Supervisors. Any non-compliance finding shall be reported to the President of the University of Louisiana at Monroe and to the President of the University of Louisiana System.


The Student Technology Access Plan may be revised upon a two-thirds majority vote of the STAP Committee and a majority vote of the Student Government Association.


Fall 2004